Class - 7th Chapter -2: Nutrition and Digestion CBSE /ICSE Board Notes

Class 7 - How Animals Obtain Their Nutrition

How Animals Obtain Their Nutrition

⟹The process of breaking down of complex substances of food into simpler substances is called digestion.

Process of Nutrition

➥ Nutrition is the process through which animals obtain and utilize nutrients to sustain their growth, energy, and repair tissues.

process of nutrition
  1. Ingestion: Taking in food.
  2. Digestion: Breaking down food into simpler substances.
  3. Absorption: Uptake of nutrients into the body.
  4. Assimilation: Utilizing the absorbed nutrients for growth and repair.
  5. Egestion: Removing undigested food from the body.

Modes of Procuring Food

➯ Animals have different modes of obtaining their food:-

  1. Herbivores: Animals that eat only plants. eg:- Cow.
  2. Carnivores: Animals that eat other animals. eg:- Lion.
  3. Omnivores: Animals that eat both plants and animals. eg:- Human.
  4. Detritivores: Animals that feed on dead organic matter. eg:- Earthworm.

Nutrients in Amoeba

➥ Amoeba is a tiny, single-celled organism that gets its nutrients in these simple steps:

Nutrition in Amoeba

1. Ingestion

Amoeba takes in food by surrounding it with its pseudopodia (false feet) and forming a food vacuole.

2. Digestion

Inside the food vacuole, the food is broken down into smaller, soluble molecules by digestive enzymes.

3. Absorption

The nutrients from the digested food move into the Amoeba’s cytoplasm. This process is called diffusion. The remaining undigested particles are left behind.

4. Assimilation

The absorbed nutrients are used to produce energy needed for the Amoeba’s life processes.

5. Egestion

Undigested food is expelled from the Amoeba by pushing it out through the cell membrane.

Amoeba Nutrition

Nutrition in Animals

Animals follow these steps for nutrition:

  1. Ingestion: Intake of food by mouth.
  2. Digestion: Breakdown of food into simpler substances.
  3. Digestion Process
    1. In Mouth: Food is crushed by teeth, mixed with saliva (salivary juice), and tasted. Saliva starts breaking down starch.
    2. In Oesophagus: Food moves through the oesophagus by peristaltic movement. No digestion occurs here.
    3. In Stomach: The stomach breaks down food with gastric juice. It contains acid and pepsin to digest proteins.
    4. In Small Intestine: The small intestine continues digestion, converting proteins to amino acids, carbs to glucose, and fats to fatty acids and glycerol.
    5. In Liver: The liver makes bile juice to neutralize stomach acid and help digest fats.
    6. In Pancreas: The pancreas releases pancreatic juice, which contains enzymes to digest proteins and fats.
  4. Absorption: Nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine through tiny projections called villi.
  5. Assimilation: The body uses absorbed nutrients for energy and to build and repair tissues.
  6. Egestion: Waste moves to the large intestine, where water is absorbed. The remaining waste is removed from the body through the anus.
Human Digestion, alimentary canal

Human Teeth and Their Functions

➥ Teeth are hard, bone-like structures in the upper and lower jaws of most vertebrates.

➥ They help in cutting, breaking, and chewing food.

➯ There are two types of teeth:

  • Temporary Teeth (Milk Teeth): These are the first set of teeth that appear in childhood.
  • Permanent Teeth: These are the adult teeth that replace the milk teeth as one grows older.

Human teeth play a crucial role in digestion:

  • Incisors: Sharp teeth used for cutting food.
  • Canines: Pointed teeth used for tearing food.
  • Premolars: Flat teeth used for grinding and crushing food.
  • Molars: Large, flat teeth used for thorough grinding and crushing.
Human Teeth

Digestive System in Ruminants

⟹ Ruminants have a specialized digestive system to process plant material:

  • Rumen: The largest stomach chamber where fermentation of plant material occurs.
  • Reticulum: Collects smaller particles and moves them to the omasum.
  • Omasum: Absorbs water and nutrients from the food.
  • Abomasum: The true stomach where enzymatic digestion occurs.
Digestive System in Ruminants

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